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Electronic Circuits

Digitally Adjustable Timer electronic circuit

Electronics circuits presented here is an advantage to you that you get a fully working  and tested circuit for your college project of hobby work.

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This is the circuit for the digitally adjusted timer.

In this project, the timing can be adjusted digitally  with the help of the 2 digital IC’S.

The relay gets operated as soon as the circuit is triggered and becomes off after a selected time period.

This kind of the ckt.  Can be the heart of many industrial operation cycles, where the  definite  timings are to be selected manually very often.

The ckt  description is as follows.

IC1 (THE FIRST 555) supplies the clock pulses of 0.5 sec. To ic2( 7490). A decad counter counts the number of clock pulses and gives  the corresponding binary output  at pins 12,9,8 and 11.

The decoder chip (7442) converts the binary output to a decimal output. Means, pin 5 is at 0v where as all the other output pins  are at vcc(+5v).

For any count, the corresponding output pin is grounded and all the other pins are high.

Resistors RC and R1 to R4  are connected in such a way that the voltage at point A is  different  for different counts  and the corresponding  LED  glows  for the required count.

IC4 ( THE LAST 555) is connected as the mono-stable multi vibrator and its control pin5 is  connected at point A such that for each value of voltage at A we  get  different –gate widths at IC4.

When leds 1 to 4 glow, the circuit operates approximately  in 60 sec, 75 sec, 90 sec, and 105 sec.

digitally adjustable timer

Timer operating method:  suppose one wants to set  the timer at 105 sec, first press S3 once to ensure  that the out put pin of IC4 goes low thtn press S1. 

and select the led that is in  front of the 105 seconds time.( led 4 glows). After releasing S1  press S2  to trigger  the mono-stable.

At this instant the output of  ic3 pin4 goes high. After approximately 105 seconds,  the output of the timer ic IC4  ( LAST 555)  will become low.

The put put drives a  relay with a transistor bc548.


Any instrument connected  to the relay can be made ON  for a specified time with this ckt. And as the timings are selected by the digital IC’S  its called the digitally adjustable timer.


If you have any confusions or questions, or if you need pcb design of this circuit, please contact on learnpcbdesign.online(at)gmail.com


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